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Cloud Server Solutions For Businesses in California

What Is a Cloud Server?

A cloud server is virtual rather than physical. Instead of sitting in your office server room, it is accessible to your business via the cloud, which means it is accessible from any location, perfect for remote work or multiple office locations. Most importantly, cloud services mean you don’t have responsibility for hardware, software, maintenance, security, or location costs. 

The Advantages of Cloud Computing

ScalabilityIf your server usage spikes, for example during a holiday season, your cloud server capacity will scale up during that period. You pay for the increased usage only when it is needed. When the spike is over, resources and your costs scale back down. You avoid spending on peak capacity resources that go unused most of the year.

Location and in-house costsDedicated server rooms can take up a lot of space in a small business. Large companies have the resources to run entire server rooms with all of their complexities, but not small businesses. Servers require significant square footage, additional cooling, and specialized cabling requiring professional installation. They represent a significant power draw, which increases utility costs.  If they are needed 24/7 you will need to invest in  uninterruptible power supplies to protect against power outages. All of these costs are offloaded to the cloud where you benefit from economies of scale. 

Better securityCybercrime is an endless challenge for smaller businesses. With managed cloud server solutions, you also benefit from the IT and cybersecurity expertise of a team of professionals who are dedicated to keeping your server securely online. Cloud server security is very difficult, if not impossible to replicate for a smaller business.

ReliabilityIf you have ever experienced downtime thanks to a physical server outage, you know how frustrating it can be. With cloud server solutions, reliable uptime is the norm. If one cloud server has an issue, your information is transferred to another, seamlessly. With the previously mentioned scalability, an unexpected surge won’t take your system down either.

How Cloud Computing Works?

Cloud computing diagram

Disaster recovery and data backups – Smaller companies lack the workforce and other resources to plan well for the worst-case scenario. If all of your company’s information is sitting on a server located at your business, it is in a precarious situation. Natural disasters, cyberattacks, and other emergencies can take down that server, and all of your valuable information with it.

Using the cloud, however, your information is safe and accessible from anywhere. You can easily keep business continuity through accessing the data from it, whether you are using it to restore backed up information, or working off the cloud when there is a problem on-site.

Your backups will also be more reliable and accurate. A cloud server setup means data can be backed up away from your office, automatically, in regular intervals rather than relying on someone to back up information to your in-house server manually. If you need to rely on that backup, the information is more up to date.

Getting Started With Cloud Server Solutions

When you choose cloud server solutions, we migrate your business with ease so you can keep working without downtime.

You may prefer a hybrid between cloud and onsite server solutions. Our cloud server solutions are custom-built for your company, expanding on your strengths to make you more competitive in your marketplace.

Before we suggest any technology or services, including cloud server solutions, we work with you to understand your processes, needs and business goals. We consider ourselves partners in your success, and we are dedicated to customer service.

To learn more about cloud servers, reach out to our team. Contact us online, call us at 510-552-6896  

Our History


With over 20 years of industry experience under his belt, the company's CEO possesses a degree in Computer Science and a number of certifications, including MCSE, MCSA, A+ and Network+. From an early age, computers were always a part of his life; dating back to the days of the Apple II. Since that time, he served as everything from system administrator to IT business director within well-established companies, before deciding that consulting was his passion. Leveraging years of technical recruiting, he personally handpicked a select group of specialists proficient in Linux, customized web applications and databases, telephony and cross-platform devices, to ultimately bring your organization to the next level.